Cancellation policy

These cancellation conditions apply to accommodation contracts concluded under § 2326 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, with the company LÁZNĚ KVILDA s.r.o, with the registered address at Na Hřebenech I 1149/1, 147 00 Praha 4 - Podolí, Company ID No.: 27146863, VAT No.: CZ27146863, (hereinafter also referred to as the "accommodation provider"), as the provider of accommodation in a family guesthouse with the business name Wellness Pension Lázně Kvilda, Kvilda 195, 384 93 Kvilda (hereinafter also referred to as the "accommodation facility") and the client of accommodation services. The cancellation conditions are valid from November 22, 2021.

General information

  • Cancellation terms and conditions shall govern the cancellation of the reservation of accommodation services ordered or booked by the Customer in the accommodation facility and/or the early termination of the accommodation contract by the Customer (for these cancellation terms and conditions, the case of cancellation of the reservation and the case of early termination of the accommodation contract by the Customer are hereinafter collectively referred to as "cancellation of the reservation") 
  • Cancellation means cancellation of the reservation of accommodation or accommodation service made by the client in the accommodation facility upon simultaneous payment of a cancellation fee in the amount and under the conditions set out in these cancellation conditions
  • if the accommodation provider requires a deposit for the booked accommodation services, this deposit is not a cancellation fee in case of cancellation by the client, but the accommodation provider is entitled to unilaterally offset this deposit against the cancellation fee. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the cancellation fee, the accommodation provider shall refund the remaining part of the deposit to the client
  • booked accommodation service or booked accommodation means all accommodation ordered by the customer and other services offered by the accommodation provider within the scope of the binding reservation and order made by the customer
  • the client acknowledges that the cancellation fee is a contractual penalty for cancellation of the reservation, i.e. early termination of the accommodation contract, which he/she has concluded with the accommodation provider by making a binding reservation (or confirmed by checking in). Payment of the contractual penalty does not affect the accommodation provider's right to compensation for damages under Section 2330 par. 2 of the Civil Code. 
  • in the event of cancellation of the reservation by the client without the fault of the accommodation provider, the accommodation provider is not obliged to refund the accommodation price or any part thereof to the client. The client acknowledges that the part of the price for accommodation services cancelled prematurely by the client is compensation for damages incurred by the accommodation provider under Section 2330 par. 2 of the Civil Code.
  • in exceptional situations, in particular, as a result of measures related to the epidemic of the covid-19 disease, the accommodation provider may waive the claim for payment of the cancellation fee or compensation for damages in whole or in part; this decision rests solely with the accommodation provider 
  • the client is responsible for compliance with the current conditions related to the covid-19 epidemic under which he (and persons on his side) may be accommodated in the accommodation facility and which are confirmed by each resident in the Resident's Declaration. If the Client (or any person on his/her side) refuses to duly complete the Accommodation Guest Declaration in its entirety and/or if the Client (or any person on his/her side) fails to prove the facts stated in the Accommodation Guest Declaration, the Accommodation Provider shall be entitled to demand from the Client the payment of a contractual penalty in an amount corresponding to the price of the booked stay in its entirety, without prejudice to the Accommodation Provider's obligation not to provide accommodation services to the person concerned
  • for serious reasons, the accommodation provider may agree to change the booked date without the right to pay a cancellation fee, this is decided by the accommodation provider
  • if there is more than one person on the client's side, they will be jointly and severally liable in the event of a claim for payment of the cancellation fee
  • the amount of the cancellation fee is always calculated on the total price of the booked accommodation services and other services ordered by the customer, including surcharges, fees and value-added tax

Cancellation fees

  • For refundable bookings for the stay and related services, the reservation must be cancelled at least 48 hours before the arrival date, otherwise, the client will be charged 100% of the total amount of the stay. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the amount of the reservation must be paid at least 48 hours before the day of arrival.
  • For non-refundable bookings, the total amount of the booking deposit will be charged on the day of booking and is non-refundable. If the booking is cancelled, changed or in the event of a no-show, the booking deposit will not be refunded.
  • For weekly stays, the reservation can be cancelled up to 7 days before the arrival date, otherwise, the client will be charged 100% of the total price of the stay. In case of payment by bank transfer, the reservation amount must be paid at least 7 days before the arrival date. 
  • In the event of non-payment of the deposit from which the cancellation fees could be deducted, the accommodation provider has the right to send the client an invoice for the cancellation fees.
  • In the event of cancellation, the amount paid by the client, fewer cancellation fees, will be refunded to the bank account from which it was transferred within 3 days of the scheduled end date of the stay. At the client's request, or in case of cash payment, the accommodation provider will refund the amount in cash or by postal order. The cost of sending the money by postal order shall be borne by the client. 

Applicable law and dispute resolution

  • These cancellation terms are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.
  • Any disputes arising out of these cancellation conditions will be settled by the general court of competent jurisdiction.
  • Disputes arising from these cancellation terms may also be settled out of court through the entity authorized to resolve consumer disputes out of court, which is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, Central Inspectorate - ADR Department, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic, e-mail:, website: The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is a supervisory authority supervising consumer protection, acting under Act No 64/1986 Coll., on the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, as amended, and other legislation. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority's website is

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